Tag Archives: me

Putting Fingers to Keys

Good Afternoon Folks!

My name is Alister Harman, and I’ve recently decided to (finally) start blogging, and while I’ve been uming and arring over the idea for a few years now and even suggested the idea to family and friends that I might start, I’ve finally decided to put fingers to keys and the board where my mouth is and get stuck in.

So what can you expect from a blog written by myself? Well, to keep it simple how about I make a bullet-point list of my interests?

  • Camping, Survival and the Outdoors
  • Ballroom, Latin and Folk Dancing
  • Fitness and Healthy Eating
  • Current Events
  • Mental Health
  • Comedy

Just to name a few, though in fairness I’ll probably end up posting about just about anything interesting or thought provoking. Ideally, I’ll also be aiming to put out a blog roughly once a week.

Now, some of you may be wandering why I chose the name Raving Over Sweet Nothings for the blog. It’s actually a bit multi-faceted but I shall explain one of the reasons behind it.

Usually I find myself running mental gymnastics over things that I imagine many people would consider nothing worth worrying about, and so one could say I’m making a fuss over nothing. It also has a few other meanings for me, but I’ll maybe mention those another time.

Now, my goals for the coming weeks will involve sprucing my page up to make it more visually appealing, getting some more posts in the works and getting my wordpress account sorted with a profile picture and better ‘About Me’ section.

So with those goals in mind I shall get to work and endeavour to deliver. I hope anyone here on out enjoys what I write and feel free to comment!